Tuesday, October 22, 2013

El Centro de Autosuficiencia

On Sunday the Baldens, who do the nursing and building inspections for the Concepcion Mission, picked us up for church in the stake center on Calle Gleisner. The building is very nice, in a nice section of town. The first thing that happened was, we were asked to speak at the beginning of the meeting. In Chile, married couples are referred to as Matrimonios, so I couldn't figure out why they were talking about marriage until we were being ushered up to the front.

Clint (Elder Kennington) says I did very well in my Spanish. I told everyone about our ranchero back home, our children and grandchildren, how glad we were to be in Concepcion, and our work in the Self Reliance Centers, the Centro de Autosuficiencia. Clint did much the same. After people find out I can speak Spanish, they always ask how I learned it. (Since 5th grade, then minored in Spanish for my B.A., then attended the Spanish congregation of our church in Ontario.)

The Gleisner Stake Center, University Ward. Many Ecuadorian Indians attend this ward. Several of the little children were playing with the caracolitas, the tiny snails.

On Sunday evening we explored the environs of our little apartment #1307 of Orompello 129, Centro Urbano.

El Centro Urbano. Our apartment is on the right, the corner with shades half way down. I was surprised at how quiet it has been--our neighbors aren't great partiers, and the dogs are far away. I did hear cats early this morning. The worst part for me is how bright it is all night. I rigged up a blackout curtain using the extra sheet, which is black. 

Feral dogs lay around on curbsides all around the city, some in packs. They are carriers of garrapatos--ticks and parasites. They do not bother anyone, although at night they rummage through garbage, and bark.

Territorial claim on this casita.

If you wonder where all your socks (calcetines) ended up, this is it. 

The LDS Institute Building on Calle Colo Colo. The double-parked car is called a "permiso," meaning you give yourself permission to park here for awhile, with your lights flashing. All the LDS buildings in the area are this nice shade of adobe-mauve, with tile floors, white-latticed small pane windows, and red tin roofs.

Decorative security fences, bars and gates.

Jon Snider, this commonly seen electrical nightmare is for you. 

Clinton (Elder Kennington) sitting in our office. He has made himself useful by fixing all the problem drawers and chairs, and making phone calls from the endless list of applicants for help in employment.  

Monday morning, we walked the nine blocks of Calle Chacabuco--nearly one mile--to the Centro de Recursos. A very nice building, with a professional and accommodating staff of volunteers, including Rosita Hernandez-Munoz, Hermana Debora, Romina Correa, and Hermana Villarroel. Hermana Romina led a group of six missionaries and four other members in an employment workshop.

We are leaving tomorrow for Santiago for capacitaciones (training) with Carlos Farias, the area director for PEF. Changes are coming to the Centros de Recursos, now to be known as Centros de Autosuficiencia. 


  1. I love your posts. It is so natural seeing you as missionaries. I love it. We sure miss you but you are going to do so much good there. It looks very nice. That church building looks incredible.

  2. I knew before I read your caption on the church building that the lady was from Otavalo, Ecuador :) I am so jealous of the experience you are having right now!


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